Apr 11, 2019
The show title pretty much says it all.
It's been a year, but we're back with a new show.... finally.
Hopefully its better than that tinder date that took weeks to set
A year off hasn't changed us at all, we are still rude, crude, politically incorrect and morally impaired. In other words, NSFW!
Apr 8, 2018
Ajit Pai probably craps himself every time we release an episode, so we are back once again! Bone JC and Boston sit down at the lair to talk about whats been going on in their lives, JC's new record, pitch new sex toy ideas, and Give a "Bone's Lair Farewell" to the Craigslist personal ads. All this some shitty news and...
Oct 29, 2017
Trick or Treat!
Like the Killers in a 80s horror film, just when you thought you
got rid of them, Bone, JC & Boston show up again.
We're back from the dead to talk about heckle wrangling at Rocky
Horror, listener questions, Bone's News, JC's upcoming recording of
his 2nd comedy album, and so much more.
Happy Halloween!
Apr 18, 2017
Bone, JC, and Boston are joined by Touring comedians Mark Viola
and Krish Mohan in the lair.
Weird gigs, the best Punk Record of the 90’s, Mark and Kris trying
to convince us they have girlfriends, and actually even a moment or
two of serious talk radio… which of course crashes and dies as we
do the Bone’s Lair...
Mar 9, 2017
Bone's Lair Is Back!
Bone and JC are joined by our new Co-Host Boston
We catch up with whats been going on with everyone over the last
year, Listener Questions, and JC accuses the Bone's Lair News of
being fake news.
Its a really tremendous show, it's really fantastic, it's an
amazingly huge comeback, believe me you'll...